
While you can browse our Pusheen collectibles database without an account, the below features require you to be logged in. If you haven't already done so, click here to register for a free account!

Manage Your Checklist    |    Discover Trade Matches    |    Send and Receive Messages    |    Rules

Manage your Have, Want, and For Trade Checklist

Search for Pusheens in our Pusheen collectibles database. You can update each collectible's have, want, and for trade quantity to keep track of your collection.

From your peresonal profile page, you can view your checklist as image thumbnails only or as a sortable table with details.

Discover Trade Matches

Find collectors who have Pusheens you want or want Pusheens you have for trade on the specific collectible's page.

You can also see trade matches at the bottom of your personal profile page. This will match you with collectors who have Pusheens you want.

Click on their name to be taken to the trade matches page.

Send and Receive Messages

Think you've found the perfect trade? You can now send to and receive messages from other collectors right from our website, no sharing of email required!

You can check your inbox by going to Account > Messages in the navigation bar. You will be alerted of new messages on your personal profile page (Account > Profile).

To send a collector a message, go to the user's profile page and click on "send user a message" or click on their message chain from your inbox if they have previously sent you a message.

We hope the messaging feature will help you find the perfect trade!


You must abide by the rules below. Failure to abide by the rules may result in account termination.

  1. Be Kind. No offensive language or rudesness is tolerated or your account will be terminated.
  2. Do not use this site to message users outside website links.
  3. Do not contact users about matters not regarding a trade.
  4. Share personal details at your own risk. The only details needed for a trade is your name and mailing address if a trade is agreed upon.
  5. If a trade is agreed upon, send your trade package within 3 business days.
  6. You must provide the party you are trading with a tracking number (USPS, FedEx, UPS).
  7. If you do not receive your trade within a reasonable time, look up the tracking number to see if there are any delays and confirm whether it has been received by the delivery service. Both parties should be in contact regarding any issues. If a user did not send a tracking number, let Pusheen Trading know. The user who did not send a tracking number may have their account terminated.
  8. Pusheen Trading is not responsible for any monetary or property loss. We set up this site to help collectors find trades. We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way connected with Pusheen or Gund.